What is Literals in C?
In C programming, literals are values that are used to represent a fixed value in the code. Literals can be of various types such as integer, floating-point, character, string, etc.
Literals are used in programming to assign a fixed value to a variable or expression. For example, if you want to store the value of Pi in a variable, you can assign it using a literal value of 3.14159.
Types of Literals in C:
- Integer Literals
- 1. Decimal Integer Literal
- 2. Octal Integer Literal
- 3, Hexadecimal Integer Literal
- Floating Point Literals
- 1. Decimal Floating Point Literals
- 2. Exponential Floating Point Literals
- Character Literals
- String Literals
1. Integer Literals:
Integer Literals: Integer literals are used to represent integer values. Integer literals can be in decimal, octal, or hexadecimal format.
1. Decimal Integer Literals:
These are integer values represented in the base-10 decimal system. The value is represented by a sequence of digits from 0 to 9.
For example:
int decimal_value = 10;
2. Octal Integer Literals:
These are integer values represented in the base-8 octal system. The value is represented by a sequence of digits from 0 to 7, preceded by a ‘0’ (zero).
For example:
int octal_value = 012;
3. Hexadecimal Integer Literals:
hese are integer values represented in the base-16 hexadecimal system. The value is represented by a sequence of digits from 0 to 9 and letters from A to F, preceded by a ‘0x’ or ‘0X’.
For example:
int hex_value = 0xA;
2. Floating Point Literals:
Floating-point literals are used to represent floating-point values. Floating-point literals can be in decimal or exponential format.
1. Decimal Floating Point Literals:
These are floating-point values represented in the decimal system. The value is represented by a sequence of digits, optionally followed by a decimal point and another sequence of digits.
For example:
float float_value = 3.14;
2. Exponential Floating Point Literals:
These are floating-point values represented in the exponential format. The value is represented by a sequence of digits, optionally followed by a decimal point, another sequence of digits, and an exponent indicated by the letter ‘e’ or ‘E’.
For example:
float exp_value = 1.2e-3;
3. Character Literals:
Character literals are used to represent character values. Character literals are enclosed in single quotes (‘ ‘) and can be any printable ASCII character.
For example:
char char_value = 'A';
4. String Literals:
String literals are used to represent a sequence of characters. String literals are enclosed in double quotes (” “) and can contain any printable ASCII characters, including whitespace.
For example:
char string_value[] = "Hello, World!";
Example with all the literals:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int decimal = 10; // decimal integer literal
int octal = 012; // octal integer literal
int hex = 0xA; // hexadecimal integer literal
float decimal_f = 3.14; // decimal floating-point literal
float exp_f = 1.2e-3; // exponential floating-point literal
char c = 'A'; // character literal
char str[] = "Hello, World!"; // string literal
printf("Decimal Integer: %d\n", decimal);
printf("Octal Integer: %d\n", octal);
printf("Hexadecimal Integer: %d\n", hex);
printf("Decimal Floating-Point: %f\n", decimal_f);
printf("Exponential Floating-Point: %e\n", exp_f);
printf("Character: %c\n", c);
printf("String: %s\n", str);
return 0;
Decimal Integer: 10
Octal Integer: 10
Hexadecimal Integer: 10
Decimal Floating-Point: 3.140000
Exponential Floating-Point: 1.200000e-03
Character: A
String: Hello, World!
Rules to follow while using Literals in C:
- Integer literals cannot have a decimal point.
- Integer literals in octal format must be preceded by a ‘0’ (zero).
- Integer literals in hexadecimal format must be preceded by a ‘0x’ or ‘0X’.
- Floating-point literals must have a decimal point or an exponent.
- Character literals must be enclosed in single quotes.
- String literals must be enclosed in double quotes.
- String literals are automatically null-terminated with a ‘\0’ character at the end.
- The size of a string literal is the number of characters in the literal plus one for the null terminator.