Read more about the article Air Pollution Monitoring System using Arduino, SDS011 Nova PM Sensor and 0.96” OLED Display
Air Pollution Monitoring Systems using Arduino, SDS011 Nova PM Sensor and 0.96” OLED Display

Air Pollution Monitoring System using Arduino, SDS011 Nova PM Sensor and 0.96” OLED Display

Description: In the project we build Air Pollution Monitoring System using Arduino and SDS011 Nova PM Sensor. This is a simple air quality monitor which detects Particulate Matters in the…

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Read more about the article CO2 Monitor using Arduino, SEN0219 Infrared CO2 Sensor and 0.96” SPI OLED Display
CO2 Monitor using Arduino, SEN0219 Gravity Infrared CO2 Sensor and 0.96” SPI OLED Display

CO2 Monitor using Arduino, SEN0219 Infrared CO2 Sensor and 0.96” SPI OLED Display

Description: In this project we build a CO2 Monitor using Arduino and SEN0219 Gravity Infrared CO2 Sensor. The sensor detects CO2 in PPM (Parts Per Million) and output is displayed…

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Read more about the article LPG and Smoke Detector using Arduino and MQ2 Gas Sensor. (Detects Methane and Butane as well)
LPG and Smoke Detector using Arduino and MQ2 Gas Sensor. (Detects Methane and Butane as well)

LPG and Smoke Detector using Arduino and MQ2 Gas Sensor. (Detects Methane and Butane as well)

Description: In this project we build LPG and Smoke Detector using Arduino and MQ2 Gas Sensor. Here, the MQ2 Gas Sensor is used to detect Smoke, LPG, Methane and Butane.…

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Read more about the article Carbon Monoxide and Flammable Gases Detector using Arduino, MQ9 Gas Sensor and KY-019 RGB LED
Carbon Monoxide and Flammable Gases Detector using Arduino, MQ9 Gas Sensor and KY-019 RGB LED

Carbon Monoxide and Flammable Gases Detector using Arduino, MQ9 Gas Sensor and KY-019 RGB LED

Description:  In this project we can detect Carbon Monoxide and flammable gases using MQ9 Gas Sensor. A KY-016 RGB LED Module is used to show output in different colours. If…

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