Read more about the article Ultrasonic Range Finder using Arduino UNO, HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor and 16×2 LCD Display
Ultrasonic Range Finder using Arduino UNO, HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor and 16x2 LCD Display

Ultrasonic Range Finder using Arduino UNO, HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor and 16×2 LCD Display

Description: Ultrasonic Range Finder is a device used to measure distance without any traditional device such as tape measure, etc. This device can measure distance from any object precisely and…

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Read more about the article Speedometer using Arduino, LM393 Speed Sensor, L298N Motor Driver and 16×2 LCD Display
Speedometer using Arduino, LM393 Speed Sensor, L298N Motor Driver and 16x2 LCD Display

Speedometer using Arduino, LM393 Speed Sensor, L298N Motor Driver and 16×2 LCD Display

Description: This is a digital speedometer using Arduino which measures speed and fare. In this, LM393 Speed Sensor is used to detect the speed of a wheel(A wheel with bunch…

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Read more about the article Pedometer(Steps Counter) using Arduino, ADXL345 Accelerometer Sensor and 0.96” OLED Display
Pedometer(Steps Counter) using Arduino, ADXL345 Accelerometer Sensor and 0.96” OLED Display

Pedometer(Steps Counter) using Arduino, ADXL345 Accelerometer Sensor and 0.96” OLED Display

Description: In this project we build a Pedometer using Arduino which detects and counts steps you take while walking or jogging. Steps are detected using ADXL345 Accelerometer sensor when there…

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Read more about the article Ultrasonic Levitation using Arduino and Ultrasonic Sensor (Transducers of HC-SR04 Sensor)
Ultrasonic Levitation using Arduino and Ultrasonic Sensor (Transducers of HC-SR04 Sensor)

Ultrasonic Levitation using Arduino and Ultrasonic Sensor (Transducers of HC-SR04 Sensor)

Description: Ultrasonic Levitation using Arduino is a pretty easy project based on simple phenomenon of vibrations of sounds. Here a very light weight small size object can be levitated in…

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Read more about the article Line Follower and Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Arduino, IR Sensor and Ultrasonic Sensor
Line Follower and Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Arduino, IR Sensor and Ultrasonic Sensor

Line Follower and Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Arduino, IR Sensor and Ultrasonic Sensor

Description: In this project we are building a Line Follower and Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Arduino. It is an automatic small car which follows a black line while avoiding obstacles.…

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