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Operational Amplifier Op-Amp Circuit Diagram

What is Operational Amplifier (Op-Amp)? Characteristics, Types and Applications.

Dec 6, 202216276 min read

Operational Amplifiers, also known as Op-Amps are electronic integrated circuits which amplify weak electrical signals to strong signals. They generally have two input terminals and one output terminal. They can also perform various different functions such as eliminating unwanted noise…

sgpa to percentage sppu

SGPA to Percentage SPPU Calculator

Oct 12, 202239792 min read

This a SGPA to Percentage SPPU Calculator for engineering and non-engineering students of Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU/unipune). You can add your SGPA score in the calculator and obtain percentage value without calculating it manually or searching anywhere. Also check…

cgpa to percentage sppu

SPPU CGPA to Percentage Calculator

Oct 6, 202258492 min read

This is SPPU CGPA to Percentage Calculator for engineering and non-engineering students of Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU/unipune). You can add your CGPA score in the calculator and obtain percentage value without calculating it manually or searching anywhere. Also check…