Dual Axis XY Joystick Module Pinout and Projects

A dual-axis XY joystick module is an electronic component that is commonly used as a user interface for controlling various electronic devices such as robots, drones, video games, and more. It consists of two potentiometers (variable resistors) that are mechanically linked to a joystick mechanism, allowing users to control the movement of the joystick in two perpendicular axes (x and y directions).

When the joystick is moved, the potentiometers change their resistance values, which can be read by a microcontroller or other electronic device to determine the position of the joystick. The joystick can be used to control the movement of a device in a variety of ways, depending on how the electronic circuitry is programmed.

The dual-axis XY joystick module is commonly used in projects that require precise control of a device’s movement, such as remotely controlling a robot arm or adjusting the pitch and yaw of a drone. It is a versatile component that can be integrated into a wide range of electronic projects.

Dual Axis XY Joystick Module Pinout Diagram:

Dual Axis XY Joystick Module Pinout
Dual Axis XY Joystick Module Pinout


Download Diagram in HD | Size: 180 KB | PNG Image


Here are some projects related to Dual Axis XY Joystick Module:
